
Hey cool cats!

Thanks for visiting my art collection and travel blog! I think what it comes down to is this – I’m shockingly bad at taking photos, but I still want to capture memories of the places I’ve visited. Everybody has their own talents, mine just happens to come in the form of stylistically placing lines on paper. I guess it’s also about ‘creating your own joy’, a mantra of my esteemed and enlightened friend El – and making art really does it for me!

I love architecture and design, I can just sit on my computer for hours and consume it like a good glass of red. E-travelling (have you heard of it?) is my new hobby. It refers to the act of browsing images of countries online as you vicariously live through the Google maps cam-car that got to drive past. Thanks Alek’s brother for inventing such a “cool” pastime…

I’m always on the lookout for the next piece of iconic architecture to draw, so if you have a suggestion, please send it my way! A building with complex structure and good angles would be ideal. Of course, I will credit you for the inspo. Cheers!

Much love,

Manda xx